Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Star Academy

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Star Academy, called Operación Triunfo ("Operation Triumph") in Spanish-talking nations, is an exceptionally effective TV popular music ability challenge with viewer voting and reality show components. The show design started in Holland, with the first "Starmaker" delivered by Endemol, that has been telecast in more than 50 nations.


1 Format

2 History

3 Star Academy around the globe

4 Parodies of Star Academy

5 Special shows of Star Academy


5.2 "Gala de los ganadores" (The victors function)


6 Near duplicates of Star Academy

7 See moreover


The Star Academy idea has a place with the Dutch creation organization Endemol. The main nation to show the arrangement was Holland on March 5, 2001.

From that point on the Star Academy marvel started to spread in a relentless way, being prompted by the clearing achievement of the challenge in real media markets like France or Russia.

These days, Star Academy is the second most extended reality appear, simply behind Big Brother, and has achieved markets as various as India, the Arab World and the United States, turning into the main Spanish configuration ever procured by these nations. This show is like the "Icon Series" however distinctive in that it additionally demonstrates the candidates' lives together in the house where they live; American Idol indicates nothing of the competitors' identities or associations with each other. Star Academy is fundamentally a singing rivalry, where the most reduced vote-collector every week must leave the appear, finishing at last when one and only individual remains.

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